La Cisa presents the Sustainability Report 2023: Another step towards a greener future

It is with great satisfaction and a sense of responsibility that La Cisa announces the publication of its 2023 Sustainability Report, presented again this year during our traditional Strategic Planning meeting. This moment, which sees the active participation of all the representatives of the operating sites and departments, represents an important opportunity to share and reflect on our path towards increasingly sustainable logistics.

As Paolo Provezi, CEO of La Cisa, emphasised in his speech during the meeting:

‘It is with great enthusiasm that we share with you an important milestone in our sustainability journey. La Cisa embraces sustainable development as a conscious and responsible management model, a commitment that is reflected in our respect for the environment, society and the economy in which we operate. This sustainability report is not just a document, but a valuable guide that shows us where to focus our efforts for an increasingly sustainable future, in line with the goals of Agenda 2030.’

The Sustainability Report 2023 is the result of collective and integrated work, which involved numerous colleagues from different corporate functions, all united by the common goal of making our commitment in the economic, social, environmental and governance fields increasingly solid and transparent. This report is not just a tool for measuring our performance, but a real roadmap that will guide us towards achieving ambitious goals in line with the principles of the United Nations 2030 Agenda.

A shared path to sustainability

Last year’s experience with the publication of our first Sustainability Report consolidated in us the awareness of the importance of this tool, both to measure the progress we have achieved and to identify areas where we can improve. In 2023, we have worked even harder to gather data and evidence that shows that our commitment to sustainability is not just a declaration of intent, but a daily reality that is reflected in every aspect of our business.

Thanks to everyone’s cooperation, the Sustainability Report 2023 highlights our achievements in key areas such as reducing CO2 emissions, optimising logistics processes to reduce waste and improve energy efficiency, as well as the social initiatives we have undertaken to benefit the communities in which we operate.

Looking to the future

The publication of our Sustainability Report does not mark the end of a journey, but represents a milestone along a road that we will continue to travel together, with commitment and determination. Each achievement reminds us that we can do more and better to help build a fairer and more sustainable future.

We will continue to work side by side with all our stakeholders, keeping dialogue open and sharing the challenges and opportunities we encounter along the way. Only with a collective and shared commitment can we develop ever greener logistics, capable of meeting the needs of the present without compromising the resources of future generations.

Our vision: sustainable and responsible logistics

Looking ahead, we are ready to undertake new initiatives and projects that will strengthen our sustainable business model. In particular, we will continue to invest in green innovation and technologies, promote corporate social responsibility and reduce the environmental impact of our operations.

The Sustainability Report 2023 is just the beginning of a new chapter in our journey, and we are excited to embark on this journey together towards a more sustainable future.